About KMP

Our Story

KMP Solutions was established by Philip Klein and Solomon Mozes with a stated aim of transforming the way in which your investment properties are cared for. Together with their team, KMP Solutions provide a property management service that is efficient and cost effective, with an emphasis on strong client relationships based on transparency and accountability. In a volatile property market the role of the managing agent has become one of paramount importance.

In an increasingly regulated sector, the burden on agents and landlords alike, be it at commencement of a tenancy, during a tenancy or indeed after a tenancy is becoming ever more significant. Recognising this, we have put together a package offering a wide range of professional property services that are all available through our website. Calling upon our background as qualified solicitors, we have been able to create this package that is unparalleled in the wider market.

KMP Solutions has also formed close alliances with many service providers, which we call upon to our clients’ benefit as and when required. The Directors of KMP Solutions are fully qualified solicitors specialising in property law with extensive experience in advising landlords and managing agents in all areas of property law as well as areas of common practice. As consummate professionals and building upon this legal experience, we are constantly focused on adding value to our clients interests in any way possible.

KMP Solutions Incorporated
First Employee
Moves to new offices in Waterloo Road
Extended Waterloo Offices to Offices to accomodate growth
KMP expands into three core divisions
10th Anniversary
Launched new expanded offices in Edge Business Centre
Staff increase to 35+ and premises extended to accomodate
£500m+ under management

Have a Question?

Contact us today for a hassle-free handover of management.

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Please use the form below to leave us your questions. We will reply to you as soon as possible. Thank you.

Please contact your Property Manager or email info@kmpsolutions.co.uk with full details of your isssue including photographs.
Please contact your Property Manager or email info@kmpsolutions.co.uk with full details of your isssue including photographs.